








charles tomlinson


notes from new york

and other poems







above manhattan




Up in the air

among the Iroquois: no:

they are not bom

with a head for heights:

their girder-going

is a learned, at last

a learned thing

as sure as instinct:

beneath them

they can see in print

the news sheet of the city

with a single rent where three

columns, clipped out of it,

show the Park was planted:

webbed and cradled

by the catenary

distances of bridge on bridge

the place is as real

as something imaginary:

but from where they are

one must read with care:

for to put

one foot wrong

is to drop

more than a glance

and though 

this closeness and that distance 

make dancing difficult a dance 

it is that the mind is led 

above Manhattan.

[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]  



Construction workers eat their lunches atop a steel beam 800 feet above ground, at the building site of the RCA Building in Rockefeller Center.





sobre manhattan



Allá arriba en el aire

entre los iroqueses: no:

no nacen

hechos a las alturas:

su paseo entre vigas

es un aprendizaje, al fin

algo aprendido

tan seguro como el instinto:

a sus pies

pueden mirar, impresa,

la gaceta de la ciudad,

con un solo desgarro, donde tres

columnas, allí levantadas,

muestran que el Parque es obra humana:

envuelto y acunado por

las distancias de catenaria

de puente sobre puente

este lugar es tan real

como si fuera imaginario: pero

desde donde se encuentran

hay que leer con atención:

pues poner

un pie en mal sito

es echar

más que un vistazo

y aunque

esta proximidad y esa distancia

no invitan a bailar, un baile

es lo que aguarda a nuestra mente

sobre Manhattan





The Iroquois are employed in high construction work.


















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