Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion, c.1943-4 

Oil and pastel on board 

Left panel 940 x 737 (37 x 29), centre panel 940 x 738 (37 x 29), right panel 940 x 734 (37 x 28 7/8) 
Left panel inscribed on back in orange oil paint ‘LEFT’ top centre, (?in another hand) in chalk ‘BACON’ middle centre;

strip of masking tape inscribed in black waxy crayon ‘NO 1’ removed from back 
Central panel inscribed on back in orange oil paint ‘CENTER’ [sic] top centre, in chalk ‘No2’ centre upside down;

strip of masking tape inscribed in black waxy crayon ‘NO 2’ removed from back 
Right panel inscribed on back in orange oil paint ‘RIGHT’ top centre, in black crayon ‘F. BACOn | PETERSFIEL[D]’ up left side to top of board;

printed Lefevre Gallery label with typed inscription: ‘STUDY FOR CRUCIFIXION | by | FRANCIS BACON’ removed from back of right panel 

Presented by Eric Hall 1953 
Purchased from the artist by Eric Hall, 1945 

Francis Bacon - 72 Three Sudies for a Crucifixion 1962


Three Studies for a Crucifixion

March 1962

Oil with sand on canvas, three panels

78 x 57 inches (198.1 x 144.8 cm) each

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York

2015 The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved./ARS, New York/DACS, London

61 62 63

Crucifixion, 1965

Oil on canvas

78 x 58 inches (198 x 147.5 cm)

Staatsgalerie Moderner Kunst, Munich

© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS 2015

Second Version of Triptych 1944 1988 Francis Bacon 1909-1992 Presented by the artist 1991

Second Version of Triptych 1944


Oil paint and acrylic paint on 3 canvases

Support, each: 1980 x 1475 mm
frame (each): 2178 x 1668 x 100 mm


Presented by the artist 1991








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Todo se ha dado la vuelta




Para mí vivir es recordar cuando vivía


la obra


con avidez el sentido de la vida