

I have heard a wee wind searching

Through still forests for me,

I have seen a wee wind searching

O’er still sea.

Through woodlands dim

Have I taken my way,

And o’er silent waters, night and day

Have I sought the wee wind.

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He oído un leve viento buscándome

a través de los silenciosos bosques,

He visto un leve viento buscando

sobre un mar inmóvil.

Por los oscuros bosques

he seguido mi camino,

y sobre las aguas silenciosas, noche y día

he buscado el leve viento.


This magical wind ventilates the pages of A Lume Spento and A Quinzaine for This Yule.

It is, for instance, the mysterious breeze in “Motif”

Ezra Pound


Short poems The poetry of Ezra Pound

University of California Press

Hugh Witemeyer

Cántico del sol, 2008

A Lume Spento, 1908

nuestras versiones









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Para mí vivir es recordar cuando vivía