Lustrum : an offering for the sins of the whole
people, made by the censors at the expiration of their
five years of office.
Elementary Latin Dictionary of Charlton T. Lewis
Certain of these poems have appeared in Poetry;
Blast, Poetry and Drama, Smart Set, and Others,
to the editors of which magazines the author
wishes to make due acknowledgment.
Will people accept them?
(i.e. these songs).
As a timorous wench from a centaur
(or a centurion),
Already they flee, howling in terror.
Will they be touched with the verisimilitudes?
Their virgin stupidity is untemptable.
I beg you, my friendly critics,
Do not set about to procure me an audience.
I mate with my free kind upon the crags ;
the hidden recesses
Have heard the echo of my heels,
in the cool light,
in the darkness.
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]–
¿La gente las aceptará?
(es decir, estas canciones).
Como una muchacha temerosa de un centauro
(o de un centurión)
Ya escapan, aullando de terror.
¿Van a ser conmovidas por las verosimilitudes?
Su estupidez virgen es inviolable.
Os ruego, amistosos críticos míos,
que no intentéis conseguirme una audiencia.
Convivo con mi libre especie sobre los riscos;
los ocultos recovecos
han escuchado el eco de mis talones,
en la fría luz,
en la oscuridad.
Lustra of Ezra Pound
Elkin Mathews, Cork Street
Nuestras versiones
Ezra Pound photographed by David Lees in Piazza San Marco, Venice
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