A una pobre anciana

mordisqueando una ciruela en

la calle una bolsa de papel

llena de ellas en la mano

Le sabe bien a ella

Le saben bien

a ella. Le saben

bien a ella

Podéis saberlo por

la manera en que se entrega

a la que tiene a medio

comer en una mano


una alegría de ciruelas maduras

parecería llenar el aire

Le saben bien a ella.


To a poor old woman

munching a plum on

the street a paper bag

of them in her hand 

They taste good to her

They taste good

to her. They taste

good to her

You can see it by

the way she gives herself

to the one half

sucked out in her hand 


a solace of ripe plums 

seeming to fill the air

They taste good to her





William Carlos Williams

To a poor old woman

From Collected Poems: 1939-1962

Volume II by William Carlos Williams

published by New Directions Publishing Corp.

© 1962 by William Carlos Williams

Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.









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