50 poems 1940
1 !blac
2 fl
3 If you can’t eat you got to
4 nobody loved this
5 am was. are leaves few this, is these a or
6 flotsam and jetsam
7 moan
8 the Noster was a ship of swank
9 warped this perhapsy
io spoke joe to jack
I I red-rag and pink-flag
12 (will you teach a
13 proud of his scientific attitude
14 the way to hump a cow is not
15 mrs
16 )when what hugs stopping earth than silent is
17 youful
18 ecco a letter starting «dearest we»
19 there is a here and
20 harder perhaps than a newengland bed
21 six
22 nouns to nouns
23 a pretty a day
24 these people socalled were not given hearts
25 as freedom is a breakfastfood
26 wherelings whenlings
27 buy me an ounce and i’ll sell you a pound.
28 there are possibly z\ or impossibly 3
29 anyone lived in a pretty how town
30 the silently little blue elephant shyly (he was terri
31 not time’s how(anchored in what mountaining roots
32 newlys of silence
33 one slipslouch twi
34 my father moved through dooms of love
35 you which could grin three smiles into a dead
36 i say no world
37 these children singing in stone a
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E.E. Cummings
Complete Poems
versión de octavio paz
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